Your Go-To Guide for Understanding Mindfulness:

As an immigrant, Life is not easy in France. I am living here for almost 3 years till now. I faced many insecurities, anxiety issues and totally overwhelmed. I was put in a situation to find a way to come out of this chaotic lifestyle.

And then one fine day, When I was cleaning my home, I found a book “THE POWER OF NOW”. I bought it when I was in India but never read it. It changed my perceptions towards life completely. Since then, I began to incorporate meditation and mindfulness into my life.

Okay well, Meditation is something we can do closing our eyes and observing our in-breath and out-breath but what’s mindfulness?

No worries, I am here to break down mindfulness into easy steps. In this post you will learn about what mindfulness is, why it’s important and how to apply it in daily life.

What is Mindfulness?

The great zen master Thich Nhat Hanh says that “Mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness that are already present in our lives. You don’t have to wait ten years to experience this happiness. It is present in every moment of your daily life.”

Mindfulness is the state when you bring your body and mind into the same place. Let’s say you’re having a cup of tea. You notice the warmth of the cup in your hands. The way the hot water transforms into a beautiful brown colour as it infuses with the tea leaves, you can feel its aroma as you bring the cup closer to your lips and savour the slightly bitter flavour on your tongue. In this moment you are fully present, enjoying your tea instead of thinking about upcoming meeting or the conversation you had with your colleague recently. 

But in reality, many of us are living on auto pilot mode. We drink water without even noticing. We mindlessly scroll through mobile phones, consuming contents that doesn’t truly interest us. We are so caught up in this distracting life that we rarely pause to appreciate the fact that we are breathing and alive. 

Everything around us is energy. Our emotions like anger, fear, greed, love, jealous, lust are all forms of energy. By cultivating energy of mindfulness in our life we can embrace these emotions and can bring peace into our life.

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